We officially have 19 school days left until the end of the year! Eeek! I also have 6 more reports to write & a ton of editing to do, a classroom to pack up & move rooms, etc, etc but I am still excited for the end of the year and all the fun of Christmas. Today we started Christmas activities with a week of Gingerbread fun. We read Gingerbread Baby by Jan Brett then made these adorable Gingerbread Babies from Mrs Miner's Kindergarten. Download the freebie here.
We played this Roll the Gingerbread game from Little Giraffes. Download the freebie here.
We did some Gingerbread addition and subtraction using this freebie packet from the Moffatt girls (I photocopied p3 & 4 so they were on the same page).
Hopefully I will be back tomorrow to update you on the rest of the fun plans for this week (I'd keep typing but I'm exhausted). Happy Monday,
How did November happen? Excited but gee-whiz it came up quickly! Linking up with Farley to share the November Currently love.
Listening to Buffy, season 4. Loving the gorgeous, hot 30C (90F) days lately which has been fantastic. Loving Spring and everything about it, except maybe the hayfever. Thinking that we are starting Literacy testing this week and I have to get booklets ready plus I have a few days off of school coming up which I have to prepare for. Busy, busy. Wanting & Needing Personally, we have some stuff happening at the minute. I am no good at waiting for answers, which hopefully we'll have more of this week but we are both ready to know what direction our life will be headed in. Sorry to be cryptic but if you're the praying kind, a few prayers sent our way would be much appreciated. Reading Oh my goodness my kidlets are addicted to The Day the Crayons Quit.
I have read this about a dozen times in the last fortnight, love it but it's driving me crazy! Happy November,
Happy Halloween Friday! We have had another epic week. Very glad it is Friday! Linking up with Kasey from Doodlebugs to share what we've been up to.
This week we have studied spiders, if you couldn't tell :) The kids loved our spider web carpet which I made Monday with some masking tape, inspired by my friend Stef from Miss Galvin Learns.
We made these super easy Spider hats. I found the idea via Pinterest from MamaOT.
A gorgeous class Mum made these delicious spider cupcakes and these super fun and messy popstick spider webs with pompom siders.
Oh my goodness we survived 'til Friday! It's been a l-o-ng week but we made it. Another Friday means another link up with Kasey over at Doodle Bugs for a Five for Friday. I actually took enough photos this week to do a day-by-day recap! Yay. So, without further a-do here is a flashback of our week: Monday We made these adorable apple poems from Deanna Jump.
Friday Today was a day and a half. We went on excursion to our local Chinese Museum. It was awesome, it was tiring, it was a little bit too long but we didn't break anything* so that is winning! Our town has a long, rich Chinese culture that began with the gold rush and has continued with the wonderful work of the Chinese association. It's a great place to visit. *We had a close call with some vases... but all was good.
I'm almost falling asleep typing this so I'm ready for some much needed sleep. Hope your week was epic, amazing and hilarious.
Life is kind of kicking my butt at the minute, or at least making a pretty good attempt at it. My blogging has taken a backseat due to the butt kicking {and the gazillion appointments to 'fix' the cause of the butt kicking} but tonight I am back and linking up with Kasey at Doodlebugs for Five for Friday.
I have been lucky to have two fantastic student teachers this year and my current one has been a real asset in the last two weeks. We have been busy: Taking swimming lessons.
Being fantastic gymnasts! We started gym {finally} this week.
Investigating using our 5 senses- we loved eating popcorn!
I finally got around to making some sensory bags to use for sight word writing.
I caught up with some lovely teacher peeps at the Zart Art Christmas workshop. If you are Australian and have access to these, go! They are brilliant. Plus I made this cute stuff, we will definitely make the Reindeers and the Christmas trees.
Although I haven't made time to blog I have made time to paint my nails, so dedicated I painted the dot nails this week at 6am. Follow me on insta to keep up with my randomness.
After a lot of trial and error over the years, I am finally happy with and loving the Focus wall in my classroom this year. Each week I update this to show our Literacy focus for the week.
Our 'word' swatters are hanging up on the sides for easy access. We also have our WALT {We Are Learning To} Wall in the foyer. My aim is to post about this soon! If you have another great idea for a focus wall please leave me the link below,
What a crazy, insane week it has been! So glad there are only 5 days to go before our September holidays begin. Linking up with Kasey over at Doodle Bugs to share the madness.
This week we have played some awesome maths games including my two favourites, Get Out of My House and Take the Teddy. I will have to post about these at some point!
My kidlets have been having great fun building cup towers as we have learnt about measurement. Their "selfie" ended badly when they went to wrap their arms around each other. They are the cutest!
On a Sunday my niece turned 7! We celebrated with a MonsterHigh party (I am a little bit over this craze- those dolls are just plain weird). She was so excited and her little sister joined in too.
Her brother was just happy to dress up. Fella after my own heart as Michelangelo.
The Ninja Turtles are one of the few kids cartoons my husband and I both agree are awesome. Date night for the new movie is definitely on the cards.
We continued our tennis lessons, another reason why I am dreading Mondays at the minute! But the kidlets love it!
Tuesday night I had a very rare mid-week night out with one of my dearest BFF's, who has just returned from two years teaching in the UK. I am so glad to have her home! We got our Hip-Hop, "we are SO not 18 again" on at the local Uni listening to Illy, who rocked. And I still managed to be at home, tucked in to bed by 11pm!
Two of my favourites at the minute from Illy's album, Cinematic-
The sun is shining here & it's a perfect Spring day. Hope you're enjoying your weekend!