
Thursday, 29 August 2013

Professional development & Study Tour

*Be warned- I apologise for all of the exclamation marks used in this post*

I am so lucky to be part of a CEP study tour of the UK starting very soon- two weeks until I fly out to London!! It's a combined state & catholic school leaders (principals, deputy's & teachers on leadership teams) trip which should be really interesting and fantastic, plus a little exhausting!
Yesterday we had our first group catch up in Melbourne. It was great to get to meet everyone and get an idea of what we are all hoping to get out of the trip. It is going to be full on! 

In a nutshell:
One week in England to tour schools and meet some amazing education gurus (can't wait!) then the second week in Scotland to see more schools and then visit the Scottish Learning Festival. We will be seeing different learning environments  uses of technology and how schools are building their communities and developing relationships with their wider community. 

I have been doing a ton of reading and watching of education videos that I thought other people may be interested in. So I thought it was "share it" time!

We started the day yesterday with this video. If you haven't seen this before or heard of Suli Breaks, do! He is a 'modern' poet. Check out his youtube channel

On the education front I have been reading and watching a heck of a lot of stuff from Stephen Heppell, Sir John Jones and Ken Robinson.

I would love to hear of any other educators that you find inspiring. Be prepared for more posts on this ahead,
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  1. WOW! What an amazing trip Bec and such a great experience! You will learn sooooo much! I love Stephen Heppel - he is so good to listen too!

    Teaching Maths with Meaning

  2. Glad to be linking up with you and can't wait to read about your trip!
    Julie :-)
    Mrs Stowe's Kinder Cottage


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