
Saturday, 25 May 2013

Five for Friday {Saturday}!

So, I'm not technically late posting this because in the rest of the world it's still Friday. Enjoying yummy Eggs Benedict and trying to write this, while my hubby is complaining that I didn't 'clean as I went' while making breakfast. So I'm surrounded by breakky dishes but this is more important :) Anywho...

We have 5 weeks to go to mid-year winter holidays and I really, really need to start reports this weekend. It's getting to panic stages.

This week has been so busy! We started Monday off with a Professional Development day with George Otero to assist us in developing better school-parent partnerships with a focus on parental engagement. Wednesday night we also had a parent session with George at school. It's wonderful to know of the changes we have already made in developing better partnerships.

This term I have had some lovely student teachers in my class and one of them gave me these gorgeous flowers when she finished up last week. It's great being able to work with pre-service teachers but being the mentor gives you a bit of perspective about how hard it is to step back, let little things go and not comment until the end of the lesson.

We made these gorgeous Zebra's for Z on Monday.

We are learning all about Dinosaurs this term. On Thursday, we made our own 'fossils' using clay and dinosaur figurines. The kiddos loved this! Our school maintenance man helped us out with this. He cut up all the clay and then worked with us to make our fossils. The kiddos loved it!

Yesterday we used this site to sort dinosaurs into the categories of herbivores and carnivores. I put the two headings up on different sides of the room and they had to pick a side. They were so excited- it'll be one of those activities they'll remember because they had a ball. Loved hearing the discussions they were having, "No, it's a meat eater because look at it's sharp teeth", "See, 4 legs, herbivore". Cute!

Wishing all the peeps in the Northern hem. a great break! Hope you're enjoying the sunshine because I sure miss it,
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  1. Love the fossils! I would love to try that one day - maybe next year!
    I stopped by from Doodle Bugs...cute blog!
    Whimsy Workshop


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