
Saturday, 7 September 2013

5 for Friday and a Freebie!

It's so nice to be writing this today with a smile on my face! We had a good week- an entire week without one of my poppets having a severe, classroom wrecking, melt down- and it's ONLY taken ooh 28 weeks of school to get here. Little M's broken arm was horrible but overall it was still a good week.

I'm linking up with Doodlebugs again, my last one before I go away, to share the goodness!

I visited my Poppet with the broken arm last night. She end up with pins in the wrist and elbow and having her arm wired. Fun! We made cards & I bought her some sticker books and a toy as a present.

It's finally spring! My gorgeous Daffodils.

The weather has been gorgeous (24C) until Thursday so it's been a wonderful start. The sun has made our lemon tree come back to life! I couldn't believe how many buds had come out in a few days- it was completely naked Monday.

Just incase you were wondering about my Study Tour trip... :)

X is for X-Rays- we made these by tracing around our arms and gluing down cotton buds for the bones. Idea found on Pinterest by one of my unit peeps.

I visited my Mum on Sunday and was sent home with a boot load of stuff including these Pyrex dishes & a green glass jug. The orange sunflower dish and I are in love- it was meant to be :)

This week we have been writing procedures and we made toast. And nobody was injured, put butter on the ceiling, each other, licked the knife or anything! 

 They made a mess of the butter, which I pinched out of our staffroom fridge. When a teaching peep asked what had happened to it and I explained by saying "But no-one licked it or put their face in it- it's safe" he laughed. Let's face it, it could have happened :)

This poppet does the best drawings! I love the bubble head style and he even included his school polo top in the picture. The kiddo is a cracker!

And now for a Freebie!

If you would like the toast template I have uploaded it here just for you! It's basic but might be handy.

Have a great weekend,
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  1. Great pictures!!! I just found your blog on Five for Friday. I was a little taken aback when I saw the "it's finally spring"... then I read your profile. Your are my first Aussie blogging friend :)

    I'm your newest follower! Thanks for sharing all those great pictures.

    Granny Goes to School

    1. I'm excited by that Cindy! I have been following you for ages. Well if you have found me then you definitely need to check out Mel at Graphics from the Pond she has some amazing clipart & Brooke at Teachable Moments as well as a ton of others (Alison at Maths with Meaning + Lauren at Love laughter & Learning & Stef at Miss Galvin Learns).

  2. Hi! Came over from Five for Friday. I'm your newest follower ~ and my first Aussie blogger to follow!! Excited to see more from you.
    I love how you say you're glitter-phobic as I myself do not have glitter in my room. *GASP* an art teacher with no glitter ...
    ~ Kristin

    1. Lol thanks Kristi! Glad to find another glitter-phobic person

  3. Bec! I am beside myself that you recommended my blog in the same sentence as Alison, Brooke and Stef! Honestly, that has just made my day. :D

    I'd love to know how many US peeps download your freebie with the mention of Vegemite... that would be a lesson on culture in itself! :) When l was in Canada I managed to convince 2 people that Vegemite was amazing... not too many other takers.

    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Love, Laughter and Learning in Prep!

    1. There's no way I couldn't have mentioned you Lauren! You always give me the best blog love. Lol I didn't even think of that when I posted it. And I've written 'jam' and not 'jelly'. Guess I should post a US version :)

  4. Hey there Bec! Thanks for your comment on my blog, I have no idea how I have not found your blog yet as we seem to follow some of the same! So happy to say I am following you now, oh and enjoy your study tour, how did you swing that!? Enjoy.

    Mrs Poultney's Ponderings


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