
Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Preparing for your new class: Handover Tips

The start of a new school year can be a daunting experience, particularly if you are new to a school, grade level or a new teacher.  Having time to talk to each students previous teacher can be really helpful for getting to know your new kids and their parents.

My current school provides time at the end of the school year for 'Class Handover' with the previous teacher. I record the information in a simple document that I refer back to during the year, an example of the information I collect is below.

I also update this information mid-year to make the transition process at the end of the year easier. As the end of the year is super busy I find updating the document a good way to be organised for the crazy end of year rush, which in Australia is December so Christmas + End of the School Year= Crazy.

If you would like a free editable version, click here to download.

If your school doesn't have designated time for this, here are a few tips for collecting the information:

Look through the previous reports for relevant information. 

Try to catch up with the previous teachers if your school doesn't have set time, this can cause extra stress but a casual chat over a coffee may be a solution. Asking your Principal to allow some extra time at the end of staff meetings in the last month of school may also be a way to collect this information.

Chat to your new students  either on your transition day or the first week of school. Ask questions like- what books do they like? what is their favourite & least favourite subject? 

Catch up with parents as early as possible. My school has parent teacher meetings within the first term of the new year. Meet the teacher nights may be another way to talk to parents. In the past I have also used Google Forms as a way to collect this information by setting up a computer during Information nights or Testing days.


  1. افضل شركة تنظيف ستوفر لك يد العون كلما احتجت الى تنظيف منزلك نعلم انا جميع الاشخاص مشغولون في الغالب بالعمل الاطفال لراعيتهم فلماذا لاتاخذ قسطا من الراحه وتترك تلك الاعمال لنا ؟سواء كان لديك منزل كبير شقه صغيره اوحتى مكتب عمل ستوفر لك شركة خده التنظيف المناسبه شامله التطهير ونفض الغبار وكل مايتعلق بالنظافه المنزليه على اتم الاستعداد لتولي نظافة منزلك لمرة واحده اواعلى اوقات منظمه تحددها انت سعيدين بمساعدتك في جميع الاوقات ونتظرين اتصالك الان
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