Linking up with The Teaching Tribune tonight for a 'true' throwback Thursday.
Oh my goodness, looking through old photos tonight to find one of me from Prep was, as it will forever be known, as "the night of the bad hair cut flashbacks". Pretty scary as tonight I had a fringe cut back in at the hairdressers for the first time in forever and now I am regretting it due to me looking like I am back in 1990. And thanks to the hubs for the endless ribbing about my glasses, fringes and other bad hair cuts. I love you too :) So without further ado....
Around about-Five year old me at the zoo! I've always been one of those kids that loved little kids. I either wanted to a teacher or a journalist but by the time I started Year 12 I knew teaching was for me.
Thank goodness for Linkys or I would forget to blog! I'm linking up with The Teaching Tribune for Monday Meet-up :)
It is a gorgeous sunny (but freezing) day today. If I stay inside & read Northern Hemisphere blogs I can almost kid myself that it is Summer here too :)
I teach.... because it's awesome. Each poppet that I have taught has taught me more about life than what I could ever show them and that makes me feel like an incredibly lucky person to have been a part of their world & their wisdom. I have.... the travelling bug & a gorgeous, handsome, understanding, patient & amazing husband who let's me take off for weeks at a time to travel around the world... Honey if you're reading this, hint, hint! I'm making do at the minute by walking around town, squinting & pretending it's Paris.
I watch... a LOT of TV either online or from dvd box sets. My favourite is Buffy but The Gilmore Girls, Veronica Mars & HIMYM all get me through too. I own a lot more but I stopped listing them because I think I may have an addiction! I listen... to music everyday. I love that I drive to work now so that I can listen to my favourite radio station. Love the app for Triple j too. I'm addicted to this song by The Kooks at the minute. Catchy! & awesome.
I read... too much! Everyday, any spare chance I get. It drives the hubs insane but its a multi-tasking skill to read & eat, read & cook, read & "plan". I do... need Art. It's probably a weird one but keeping surrounded by art keeps me sane when I'm stressed out. Another reason that I love Pinterest. Wandering around the Art Gallery, any art gallery, for me is better than chocolate. But chocolate is pretty amazing too!
Yay, it's June! I'm linking up with Farley for this month's Currently.
So I'm being very sneaky & trying to be a great multi-tasker and write this while at a PD with Sir John Jones on the 8 Pillars of Transformation. It's brilliant & I should be completely concentrating on him but I just freaked out when I realised it's June and I had forgotten about Currently. Oops! If you haven't read it, get a hold of his story The Magic Weaving business. Add it to your summer reading list :)
~ Loving ~
This PD! Being inspired is great, my to do list is already massive. I am also loving sleep, my body is craving it this late in the term. I've {sadly} been going to bed at 8.30 this week. Sad but I feel better.
~ Thinking & Wanting ~
I need to work out if I'm in the right place work wise & what I'm going to do next year....
~ Needing ~
My reports are half way written. I am determined to get them finished this weekend.
~ Winter Bucket List ~
I wish it was summer here but we are officially in Winter. Our break starts in 4 weeks and I'm really looking forward to it. We are road tripping to Canberra, I want to get a ton of sleep and I have a bunch of sewing projects to complete while staying warm, drinking tea and eating biscuits {cookies}.