I haven't blogged in a while! Life has been great, hectic & stressful all at once. Here is a mixed-mash-up catch-up of the last two weeks:
This term we are learning all about transport & road safety under the Inquiry topic "What things move?"
We started out by brainstorming. They are pretty insightful kidlets, even the poppet who drew "dancing clouds" because they move :)
Highlight of last week {I had major flu brain, I've had 3 days off in the last 2 weeks which I rarely do}- Poppet M comes in from lunch carrying two large sacks. Me, "Honey, what are those?" Cue rest of the class laughing hysterically in background. M's reply, "My socks. My brother helped me fill them up with sand at lunch."
It's about at this time that I realise he is barefoot and one of my girl's were carrying his shoes. I failed in keeping a straight face!
Master M with his socks full of sand/sock bags
We spent a fantastic 3 days in Melbourne last weekend for my friend's wedding. It was just gorgeous!
Cool street art in Collingwood
Fantastic venue- Mountain Goat Brewery in Richmond.
Wedding cuteness! The hubs & me.
Twilight in Port Melbourne
I also got a chance to get some nail art at i scream nails in Collingwood. If you're in Melbourne check them out! Or for nail inspiration follow them on instagram.
Hope you have a fantastic weekend! Love & jelly tots,